(856) 394-5582

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We are a professional wildlife control company; veteran owned and operated for 10 years and counting. Our team of animal control experts employ the best techniques and solutions to get unwanted guests off your home and property. We access the situation and depending on the animals in question, we perform live trapping or exclusions. Our wildlife control experts can remove animals without harmful traps, we use exclusion devices to get animals out of your house, and make sure they’re unable to get back in. We specialize in bat colony extraction, and our experts remove 100% of the bats, without hurting even one bat. Our company also specializes in controlling burrowing animals that ruin your landscape and garden; groundhogs, armadillos, chipmunks, rodents, etc. Our experts also use special equipment to clean up any mess animals leave behind and sanitize the site to prevent the spread of zoonotic diseases. Our company offers 24-hour wildlife control service to homes and commercial properties. Our prices are budget-friendly and very competitive prices so you don’t need to drill holes in your pocket to afford us. We take pride in our humane approach to wildlife control; we never use poisons, chemicals or violence. We use live cage traps and perform live exclusions with precautions to ensure the safety of both humans and animals, and very minimal or no damage to property.